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Brenda Scherer – Damariscotta

Brenda, our Damariscotta Vice President, Branch Manager and Lender is a lifelong Mainer. As you will find with the majority of First Federal Savings employees, Brenda still finds herself living in the same town where she was raised near Damariscotta. She attended Lincoln Academy in Newcastle before moving on to Thomas College. In addition to staying close to family, the natural beauty of the lakes, oceans and mountains have kept her local, something we can all appreciate no matter how long we’ve been here.

36 years into her banking career, Brenda has excelled in a variety of roles, starting her career at Damariscotta Bank & Trust, and transitioning to First Federal Savings where she’s currently celebrating her 20th year as a leader at our institution. In addition to the people skills that she’s developed over the years, she spent time as a Teller, processing loans, bookkeeping, secretarial duties to the President, lending and more. Her experience comes together to present a skillset that goes above and beyond what most bank customers have come to expect from lenders. She has personal experience buying land and building homes which goes a long way in her role working with homeowners and developers at all experience levels.

Brenda chose First Federal Savings for the same reasons that you should. The employees are local and people she knows. We all share similar experiences that are unique to Midcoast Maine. Most importantly, she knew it was a place she could grow and establish meaningful relationships. In the same way that customers want to know their bankers and have easy access to important conversations, Brenda wants to get to know her customers to be able to better meet their needs.

If you’re looking for a partner, give us a call in Damariscotta at 207-563-3111. We’ll make time for you.


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