torn paper edge

Deposit Rates

These Rates are Current as of Friday February 7, 2025

Checking AccountsInterest RateAnnual Percentage Yield*Minimum to OpenMinimum to Obtain APYFrequency Rate Change**
NOW Checking0.05%0.05%$100.00$200.00Variable
ECO Checking0.20%0.20%$200.00$200.00Variable

Savings AccountsInterest RateAnnual Percentage Yield*Minimum to OpenMinimum to Obtain APYFrequency Rate Change**
Savings Accounts0.05%0.05%$10.00$10.00Variable
Winter Fuel Fund0.45%0.45%$10.00$10.00Variable

Money Market AccountsInterest RateAnnual Percentage Yield*Minimum to OpenMinimum to Obtain APYFrequency Rate Change**
Money Market0.07%0.07%$2,500.00$200.00Variable
Money Market0.07%0.07%$2,500.00$2,500.00Variable
Premier Money Market Accounts***Interest RateAnnual Percentage Yield*Minimum to OpenMinimum to Obtain APYFrequency Rate Change**
Premier Money Market0.08%0.08%$10,000.00$10,000.00Variable
Premier Money Market0.10%0.10%$10,000.00$25,000.00Variable
Premier Money Market0.12%0.12%$10,000.00$50,000.00Variable
Premier Money Market0.15%0.15%$10,000.00$100,000.00Variable

Don’t forget, loyalty points could earn you an additional .39%

Certificate of Deposit Accounts****Interest RateAnnual Percentage Yield*Minimum to OpenMinimum to Obtain APYFrequency Rate Change**
90 Day Certificate of Deposit2.25%
6 Month Simple Certificate of Deposit0.10%0.10%$1,000.00$1,000.00
6 Month Compounded Certificate of Deposit3.25%3.30%$10,000.00$10,000.00
9 Month Certificate of Deposit0.10%0.10%$1,000.00$1,000.00
10 Month Certificate of Deposit0.15%0.15%$1,000.00$1,000.00
11 Month Certificate of Deposit0.15%0.15%$1,000.00$1,000.00
1 Year Certificate of Deposit3.75%3.82%$1,000.00$1,000.00
15 Month Certificate of Deposit0.20%0.20%$1,000.00$1,000.00
1 1/2 Year Certificate of Deposit0.25%0.25%$1,000.00$1,000.00
2 Year Certificate of Deposit3.25%3.30%$1,000.00$1,000.00
2 1/2 Year Certificate of Deposit0.40%0.40%$1,000.00$1,000.00
4 Year Certificate of Deposit0.50%0.50%$2,500.00$2,500.00
4 1/2 Year Certificate of Deposit0.70%0.70%$10,000.00$10,000.00
Individual Retirement Accounts*****Interest RateAnnual Percentage Yield*Minimum to OpenMinimum to Obtain APYFrequency Rate Change**
1 1/2 Year IRA3.75%3.82%$100.00$100.00
5 Year IRA1.00%1.01%$100.00$100.00

*Fees could reduce earnings.
**For variable rate accounts, rates may change after the account is opened.
***To be eligible for the Premier Money Market, you must have a NOW account and Debit Card. If the account falls below $10,000.00 no interest is earned.
**** A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
*****IRS penalties for early withdrawal may also apply.

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Within the U.S.  1-833-221-8637
Outside the U.S.  1-614-564-5105

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