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FAQs – Reopening in a COVID-19 Environment

First Federal Savings

COVID-19 Prevention Operations – FAQ


Question: Will First Federal be opening lobbies at all branch locations?

Answer: No, not all branches. First Federal Savings will be opening all branch lobbies excluding Congress Avenue location on June 15th. Congress Avenue will remain Drive-through only until further notice.


Question: Will I have to wear a face covering to use lobby services at my branch once opened?

Answer: Yes. First Federal Savings has decided that for the safety of our employees, customers and community at large, it is a necessary precaution that all individuals wear face coverings when entering our lobby.


Question: Are there exceptions to the face covering requirements?

Answer: No. While we understand that there are unique circumstances that may inhibit ones’ ability to adhere to this policy, we will handle those on a case by case basis. If an individual has a special need such as a medical condition, we will determine the best possible solution to meet your banking needs in an outdoor space. We will be encouraging anyone that cannot or will not wear a mask, to continue to use our drive through services.


Question: Is First Federal Savings doing anything to help customers navigate the long lines experienced at Congress Avenue?

Answer: Yes. The lines were a result of shortening operating hours. All branches resumed normal operating hours as of 05/11. To further enhance availability to support our customers, we will be opening the Front Street lobby in Bath on Saturdays, beginning June 20th.


Question: What steps is First Federal taking to ensure a sanitized and COVID-19-free environment?

Answer: First Federal is setting strict policies such as requiring face coverings at all location. Employees are routinely cleaning any space where the public comes into contact. This spans from ATMS and our drive-up windows to high-touch lobby areas once open to the public. We have installed ionizing air filtration devices in our HVAC systems to optimize clean air flow. Sanitizer products will also be available for use upon entrance and exit of all open lobbies.


Question: I am hearing that some individuals have received their Economic Impact Payments (stimulus checks). How can I find out when I will receive mine?

Answer: While some people may have received theirs already, it is uncertain how long it will take for everyone to receive their payments given the massive volume of recipients. On April 17th, the IRS released a tool enabling recipients to input information for direct deposit and check when their payments are scheduled. Otherwise, our online banking and mobile application are available to check your balance.


Question: I own a business that has been impacted by COVID-19. Is First Federal working with the Small Business Administration to offer Paycheck Protection Loans?

Answer: Yes. First Federal Savings has already processed dozens of PPP loans for our existing commercial customers. If you would like to better understand the product or other options available, please give us a call and we’ll connect you to David Platteter. Note that we are only executing PPP loans for existing customers and only while guaranteed funds are available.


Question: I am experiencing financial distress because of COVID-19 and am concerned about my ability to remain in good standing with my First Federal Savings mortgage. What should I do?

Answer: Call us. Our primary objective is your welfare. We will work with you to determine the best solution given your unique situation. Remember that we are here to help.


Question: I am concerned about the safety of my 401-k or other investment product and I’m not sure what to do. Can First Federal help?

Answer: Yes. First Federal Wealth Management is your full-service financial center. We would be happy to schedule an appointment to discuss your concerns and the options available to you. We care about your future and want to do anything we can to help you understand your options and take the steps that best suit your needs.


Question: I urgently need an item from my safety deposit box. Can I get into the bank while lobbies are closed to get what I need?

Answer: Yes. Call your local branch and make an appointment. We’ll make sure everything is sanitized and ready for you.


Question: I need cash and I need it now. What are my options?

Answer: First Federal Savings has numerous options available for customers to obtain cash:

Question: I would like to make an early withdrawal from my IRA or Certificate of Deposit because of the financial impacts of COVID-19. What should I do?

Answer: Call the Main Office in Bath at 207-442-8711. There have been changes put in place resulting from COVID-19. Our team is well versed in these new rules and will make sure you understand all the options you have available and the implications of the decisions on your future.

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