torn paper edge

Money Market Accounts

Money Market Accounts

Money Market accounts require a minimum opening deposit of $2500.00, and can be opened as a statement account.

Federal Regulation D dictates that only 6 preauthorized transfers and withdrawals from the money market account are allowed within a statement cycle.

Premier Money Market Accounts

You’ve worked hard for your money; now let your money work hard for you!

If you have $10,000 or more to invest, ask about our First Federal Savings PREMIER MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT. To be eligible you must have a new or existing First Federal Savings N.O.W account and debit card. There’s no penalty for limited withdrawals, and your return rate increases as you add to your savings! Compare our fees…you’ll be glad you did! Call 800-499-8711 today!

Federal Regulation D dictates that only 6 preauthorized transfers and withdrawals from the account are allowed within a statement cycle. Rates subject to change at any time. Minimum balance to open account: $10,000. Fees could reduce earnings. This offer may be withdrawn at any time.


*Service Charges & Fees

Report Lost or Stolen Card or Ask Questions

Within the U.S.  1-833-221-8637
Outside the U.S.  1-614-564-5105

Initiate a Dispute for Fraud or Non-Fraud Transactions


REMINDER: We will never contact you asking for your account number, card number or any other personal informationread more