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New Text Scam

We have been made aware of a text scam affecting multiple Maine banks. Below are details of the fraud, provided by one of the banks.

We have been made aware that multiple area banks have received fraudulent text scam attempts. In this scam, a text message is sent stating that the recipient’s bank account(s) ‘have been placed on hold due to suspicious activities’ and prompts the recipient ‘to secure’ their accounts by clicking a link. The link will then take you to a fraudulent webpage hosted on a website. The page includes the target bank’s name/logo and asks the user to enter their online banking credentials so the fraudsters can attempt to access their account. This scam has targeted Maine based cell phone numbers that are located within specific towns where the target banks have a branch presence. Recipients are not limited to customers of the target institution – there have been multiple reports of community members who have received a fraudulent text with information that appears from an institution that they have no banking relationship with.

Please be vigilant, do not click on suspicious links, and remember that we will not ask for your online banking credentials, debit card number, or any other personal information via text message.

Report Lost or Stolen Card or Ask Questions

Within the U.S.  1-833-221-8637
Outside the U.S.  1-614-564-5105

Initiate a Dispute for Fraud or Non-Fraud Transactions


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