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Maine Cash Access Communication

When Maine Cash Access (MCA) was formed in 2000, there were more than 16 community banks offering 230+ surcharge‐free ATMs. Over the years, several banks have exited the alliance and continue to do so causing the dissolving of Maine Cash Access.

On Thursday, January 19, 2023 with the dissolving of MCA, the remaining member banks will no longer offer surcharge‐free access to the ATMs. With this change, we want to remind you there are other ways to access cash without paying a fee, for example, getting cash back at point of sale at the grocery store. As always, our 5 ATMs are surcharge‐free.

If you should have any questions, please give us a call at 207‐442‐8711.

Thank you for banking with us!

Report Lost or Stolen Card or Ask Questions

Within the U.S.  1-833-221-8637
Outside the U.S.  1-614-564-5105

Initiate a Dispute for Fraud or Non-Fraud Transactions


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